Invitation and Fox Picture- hand painted by me
The tissue paper to make the tassel garland came from Hobby Lobby
I used this tutorial to make them.
White "snowball strings" made with 3 different size pom-poms from Hobby Lobby.
White paper fans also from Hobby Lobby- I added mint green flowers to the centers found in the scrapbooking section also at Hobby Lobby
Gold Sparkle Frame on clearance from Michaels
Gold chevron goody sacks on clearance at Michaels
Twig colored pencils were 12 in a pack for $5 at TJ Maxx
Mint fabric as table runners was a sheer mint fabric I found at Hobby Lobby
The little fox figurines are from Hobby Lobby. I painted them with Elmer's glue and then sprinkled them with micro glitter from Hobby Lobby
The "8" candle was from the grocery store and I painted it with Elmer's glue and used the micro glitter on it also.
Coconut Cake from our grocery store bakery
Cupcakes came from our grocery store bakery-I made little flowers with white chocolate tinted with food coloring- melted and then swirled into a flower to harden.
Cookies were white chocolate covered Oreos with White Chocolate tinted mint green with food coloring and swirled on top.
I also served mint colored butter mints from Cracker Barrel
Cupcake stand was thrifted and spray painted white
Cake stand is Pottery Barn
Glass holding straws was thrifted
Stand for goody sacks was thrifted, spray painted mint green and a thick gold ribbon attached with sticky tack.
I made the Fox Bean Bag game from a Box and the foxes I made with felt and filled with rice
The Pin the Tail on the Fox game I used a template from Here
I made the felt fox masks using this template found on Illi Style. I tweaked it just a tad and used a different shape for the nose and added a bow.
Anything else you're wondering about you can probably find what I did... or wish I would have had time to do on my Fox Party Pinterest Board for her party.
OK, and now that that's done... Here are a few more pictures.
The Food Table
Coconut Cake with glittery Fox, tree, and glittery candle
Goody Bags contained little mints and had twig colored pencils attached with Bakers Twine
(They also got to take home their fox masks as part of their goody bag.)
Fox Bean Bag Game
Pin the tail on the Fox Game

Friends in Fox masks I had them all ready to go except for the bows.
Each girl picked the color of bow she wanted for her mask, and I real quick hot glued them on.
Snowflakes hung from our dining room light and from the curtain rod in front of the windows.

Wish you could smell these. They were gorgeous and smelled awesome!!
A little random décor- I added gold glitter ribbon to my shelf for extra sparkle.
( I just added it with sticky tack.)
Had some extra gold glitter paper that I cut into a cute little fox silhouette
I also added gold glitter ribbon to my frame. Just cut to fit and attached with sticky tack.
We ended the party with hot chocolate with whip cream and sprinkles.
Here is a shot of the party room the night before. I missed getting a full room pic the day of.
Last, but not least...a picture of my birthday girl. Happy Birthday Ella!!