Monday, July 20, 2009

No Kids Allowed

date night headband

Dress up cute. Check. 
Pack diaper bag. Check.
Make sure kids have good nap, so they won't be cranky. Check. 
Realize you definitely need a new headband to go with outfit...Make said Headband during said Nap. Check.
Drop kids off at "Mammaw and Poppy's" house. Check. 
Go out for a nice dinner with NO kids. Hooray.

one of my favorite pairs of  Summer Shoes

 So my hubby and I got to go on a date Friday night. Wish I had pics of us, but as luck would have it, my camera batteries went kaput right after I took a couple pics of my date night accessories. (Anyone else constantly think, Oh I need to take some "blog pictures" about this? Because you know "blog pictures" are different then what I would snap pics of just for me). Anyway, we had not been on a kid free outing in about 6 months. Crazy. We ran a quick errand that would have been a pain with the kids, then dinner, and house hunting. Oh how I love driving around with my husband dreaming of a new house (especially without having to do acrobatics trying to reach a dropped cup or toy). 

Heart locket I got for my first Mother's Day (Ella has a matching one) and Family Necklace I got for my 5 year Anniversary.

my babies

1 comment:

ShellyStout said...

I love that you and Ella have matching lockets!

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